Student Activities

The Student Activities Committee encourages the study of HVAC&R and promotes careers in the HVAC&R industry, through engagement with K-12 and post-secondary students.

Triantafyllos Triantafyllopoulos

RVC Student Activities



Regional Student Branches

UK Midlands Student Branch, Loughborough University, UK

University of Sheffield Student Branch, University of Sheffield, UK

Nottingham Trent University Student Branch, Nottingham Trent University, UK

UCL Student Branch, University College London, UK

Coventry University Student Branch, Coventry University, UK

University of Central Lancashire Student Branch, University of Central Lancashire, UK

De Montfort University Student Branch, De Montfort University, UK

National & Kapodistrian Student Branch, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

TEI of Western Macedonia Student Branch, TEI of Western Macedonia, Greece

Porto Student Branch, Porto, Portugal

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) Student Branch, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

This site is maintained by the Region XIV of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. Region XIV may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at